
🌱I’m Elisa Tsai. I am a 4th year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. I am advised by Professor Atul Prakash. Before umich, I received my B.E in Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

My current research focus is on network security, and security and privacy in general. I am interested in utilizing ML techniques to gain insights from and improve user anonymity and resource accessibility in hostile network environments. Outside of work, I write blogs (primarily in Chinese) and play ukulele occasionally, and once every few years I draw stuff.

Links and Contact Info: [C.V.] [Google Scholar] [Github]


Elisa Tsai, Ram Sundara Raman, Atul Prakash, Roya Ensafi, Modeling and Detecting Internet Censorship Events. Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2024, Feb - Mar 2024. [PDF]

Elisa Tsai, Deepak Kumar, Ram Sundara Raman, Gavin Li, Yael Eiger, Roya Ensafi, CERTainty: Detecting DNS Manipulation using TLS Certificates. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). July 2023. [PDF]

Kevin Loughlin, Ian Neal, Jiacheng Ma, Elisa Tsai, Ofir Weisse, Satish Narayanasamy, Baris Kasikci, {DOLMA}: Securing Speculation with the Principle of Transient {Non-Observability}
2021, USENIX Security. [PDF] [Code] [Video]


GSI (Grad Student Instructor) for Computer & Network Security for Winter 24. This is a seminar-based course with an extensive reading list on various computer and network security topics.

GSI (Grad Student Instructor) for EECS 598-012 Secure and Trustworthy ML for Winter 23. This class discusses different types of adversarial machine learning attacks and their corresponding defenses, as well as model stealing, poisoning, fairness, and privacy.

GSI (Grad Student Instructor) for EECS 281 Data Structures and Algorithms for Fall 23.

Community Service

  1. SECRIT (SECurity Reading Is Terrific) Reading Group Co-Host
    I started hosting SECRIT since May of 2021, where we discuss recent papers on security and privacy. [Wiki] [Calendar]

  2. CSEG Outreach Chair
    I was the Outreach Chair for CSEG (CSE Grad) for year 2022-2023. We organize outreach events and workshops such as Xplore Engineering and Discover Engineering

  3. CSEG Social Co-Chair
    I was one of the co-chairs for CSEG social events in 2022-2023.

Last Updated: 2024.02